24 November 2015


ARNICAR India, creator of past sims such as Moon [Imagination] (read here), Winter [Imagination] (read here), [Imagination] (read here), and Just Visiting (read here), has just opened her newest creation, Everlong, at which she invites each visitor to "celebrate (the moments of your) life." Consistent with the style of its forerunners, Everlong is a water sim with remarkable vistas and enchanting landscaping.

Visitors arrive at a little stage area, where a family of rabbits seems ready to enjoy some sort of performance. From there, one ventures out onto a narrow V-shaped path, anchored by a giant winter tree, along which one discovers little spots that include a photo booth (good for some silly moments), a pair of horses quietly enjoying one another's company, and Bryn Oh's Milkdrop character befriending another colony of rabbits, with carrots at the ready, hidden under the bench.

The sim's default windlight setting, Torley's Sunset - Warmer, is shown here, imparting a golden, ethereal feel to the trees and landscape, but others work admirably well. Contributions to support Everlong may be made at the landing point.

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