09 June 2013


Mention the DynaFleur to anyone who was around in Second Life in 2008, and most likely they'll immediately know what it was. One of the most frequently visited art destinations from years ago, DynaFleur - An Immersive Art Installation opened on 5 January 2008 at one of the Princeton University sims, Princeton South, and in 2011 was restaged at the sim StellaNova courtesy of MICA (the Meta-Institute for Computational Astrophysics). Created by the team of Douglas Story and Desdemona Enfield, with music and sound by Dizzy Banjo, DynaFleur has now been restaged again at LEA11 courtesy of Vaneeesa Blaylock. It's best to have your sound turned up and environment settings on night (or use Phototools - No Light windlight setting for even better best results). I'm not going to try to describe the experience—just go visit if you're not familiar with it, and make sure to fly up to the edge of the huge pictures at end. DynaFleur will be up through the end of July.


  1. So nice to see that back again. Going to go over for sure.

  2. It is great to see it again! And it doesn't look "dated" at all.
