28 April 2014

Last Call for Whiskey

Whiskey Monday's artwork was always bigger than the image — there was always a message or statement behind anything she created — and whether her works were playful, anguished, tormented, or just curious commentaries, one always felt as though she were baring her soul through her photographic compositions. Late last year, she fell silent, posting an "afk" message on her blog and deleting her always entertaining plurk account — and now it's been months since she set foot inworld. Her friends at Edloe have maintained her gallery — The Viewing Room, located below The Listening Room — but R. Crap Mariner contacted me this morning to say that it's time to close the doors. So sometime in the next few days the gallery will disappear. We can hope that Whiskey will eventually rejoin us, but for now this your final chance to enjoy her gallery, and to purchase artwork if you're inclined — be sure to visit both floors as you let the images flow into you for the last time.


  1. So very sad to hear. I consider her a friend, and have purchased her artwork both in and out world. The SL art world surely misses Whiskey as do her friends and this must have been a difficult decision to make on Crap's behalf. I probably would have found out sooner than later as I'm in the group, but thanks again for keeping on top of things.

  2. Thanks for letting folks know. I'm going to send out a notecard to members of The Viewing Room after work tonight. (I don't have Notice rights, but I can send it out one by one if folks don't mind.)

    Her art should still be available at her sites:

    And if you're looking to hang it on your wall:

    (I have one of her framed works in my office at work, and will probably get Publish for the office soon.)


  3. I've been wondering what was going on with Whiskey for a while - haven't heard anything from her on Twitter for a long time either. Thanks for giving everyone a headsup so they can check out her work one more time... it really is worth spending some time with.

  4. Whiskey's abilities as an artist are unquestionable. It's her ability to laugh at herself and the world around her, in the face of such unfortunate circumstances, which I admire most. No one I've ever met in SL or RL even comes close to that which she was able to inspire. The only regret I have in knowing her is that I feel as if I never adequately expressed to her my appreciation for the wonderful person that she is prior to her departure. Alas, she may never really know how much she meant and continues to mean to me.

    Should you find the opportunity to read this, Whiskey, please know that I adore you and wish you nothing but the very best. Also, I still intend to buy one or two of your prints for my RL home, when I can manage to come up with the resources. Once I do, I will consider them pieces of you which I will then be able to treasure forever.


  5. Thanks, everyone. And Crap, thanks for having hosted her gallery these many months. I look forward to welcoming her back.
