29 November 2014

Starfall Revisited

It had been a while since I last set foot in Starfall, and I was delighted to discover today that autumn is in full swing (indeed, possibly it has been for months!), with a completely transformed landscape that offers resplendent browns, reds, yellows and oranges against a fall sky. From the landing point at Twilight's Edge (that portion of the sim that exists on the ground or water level), narrow walkways provide dry passage to several areas with places to pose or relax, but trekking through the water or flying will be the only ways to get further afield. The design affords beautiful vistas, with trees marking the presence of separate islands.

A posted sign says, "Welcome to nowhere," and one certainly has that sensation, as if we're all in a space of tranquility together, where time has stopped. If you explore carefully, you'll spot the tip of a ladder protruding from the water, and that marks the entrance to a charming little submerged room. Up above — way above — is another build, Whale Song, which has also gained a bit of autumnal coloring. Sim designers Nezzy (inez pennell) or imp (cinderr resident) invite you to join the land group if you'd like to be able to rez.

1 comment:

  1. This landmark is now a families home ....
