Long ago, if you were a Very Bad Avatar, you might be banned for a certain length of time to The Corn Field, a mythical group of sims filled with, well, corn fields ... rows upon rows of them ... and you couldn't leave, couldn't fly, couldn't communicate with anyone on the rest of the grid. Get it? Like a prison term, time to reflect and do your penance. Now you just lose your account for a day or two ... must be easier ... or there are so many people needing to be suspended these days that they wouldn't all fit on The Corn Field! ;-)
Out of necessity, of course, The Corn Field was closed to visitors. I've tried to get there before, without success. But a couple days ago, the Lindens opened The Corn Field for Halloween, woohoo, and there are parties and all sorts of crazy goings on there for a few days. Mia Linden tells me The Corn Field will close again on Monday morning, November 2nd, so don't delay if you want to visit!
Click here to visit The Corn Field3. If you're curious for more photos, visit my Flickr stream.
In this photo, this sexy and very fun dress is Babele Fashion's Mikiskirt Green Xcite! compatible, which you can find at our main store at Babele Fashion Island.
Out of necessity, of course, The Corn Field was closed to visitors. I've tried to get there before, without success. But a couple days ago, the Lindens opened The Corn Field for Halloween, woohoo, and there are parties and all sorts of crazy goings on there for a few days. Mia Linden tells me The Corn Field will close again on Monday morning, November 2nd, so don't delay if you want to visit!
Click here to visit The Corn Field3. If you're curious for more photos, visit my Flickr stream.
In this photo, this sexy and very fun dress is Babele Fashion's Mikiskirt Green Xcite! compatible, which you can find at our main store at Babele Fashion Island.