Master builder Sextan Shepherd has been quietly creating things at his new sim, Liberty Cove, and it's open to the public—click
here for a limo. Upon arriving you will discover some new items such as the Stellar Supernova (sit down to experience), the Verne Globe Revision II and the breathtaking "Clock-art-deco-B2"(click to experience!). From that spot, walk across the drawbridge, which can be raised and lowered, over to the Oracle, a mysterious installation with moving parts and an animation. (Pictured above, but obviously photos can't do it justice.) Look to the south, over in the distance and across the water, and you will make out a little town of shops that sell some of Sextan's lovely textures, flying machines and other curiosities. But looming overhead is an enormous robot, seemingly attacking the town (maybe not without a touch of humor!)—a build still in progress as I write this. When I first saw the robot it had only an elbow, and now it's waiting for a head—stay tuned! :) You can see some additional images on my
flickr page.