Back in December, 2008, I took a series of photos at the incredible installation Wanderstill, and I'm using them here—not because I'm lazy—there's hardly a more photogenic location in Second Life!—but because I still look back on them and think about them from time to time. Wanderstill is certainly one of the most cherished romantic spots I've ever come across, and I know others share my passion for it. An immersive art installation created by Random Calliope and owned by Elizabeth Tinsley, it is, in the words of Elizabeth, "An eruption of color. A cascade of blossoms. Where by day the sun sparkles off the wings of bejeweled butterflies and by night the light of the moon guides wish filled falling stars to earth."

Yes. And it's breathtaking, a place where you can wander through flowers, practically getting lost in them (some might be taller than you are!), and find hidden and surprising places amidst the blossoms to cuddle, dance or more. There must be tens of thousands of flowers here—it's really quite staggering—fields and fields of them—blue, white, red, amber, turquoise... It is wonderful, inspiring, and cannot help but bring a smile to your face. On the eastern edge of Wanderstill stands a horse barn, where you can add your photographic memories to the large bulletin board. Thank you, Random and Elizabeth, for creating and maintaining this treasure. More photos from my flickr set here.