When I think about art in Second Life I always think of AM Radio, our master of depth, distance and perception ... whose work mixes quietude with an occasional dash of potential silliness. Art in America ought to be covering AM's work here as seriously as they do that of many real world artists (nudge to Cathy Lebowitz, Nancy Princenthal et al hehe). I arrived here this evening at AM Radio's IDIA Laboratories installation, The Quiet: Further Away and Further Apart, after discovering that one of my favorite sims, Second Krakow, seems to have vanished ... never a good sensation! Thankfully this awesome place is still here (AM says he has thoughts to expand it), and here he and I are looking out at a wheat field on fire. (As always, just click on the photos to zoom in.)
If you haven't visited one of AM's sim-wide installations before, you're in for a treat. Rarely in Second Life is one able to experience the sensation of vistas such as one finds here, with sky and clouds slowly drifting, sweeping across the plain that disappears into the horizon. Here we experience a true expanse -- set your draw distance way up. To see this area, click here.
But that's not all ... because down below is the second half of the installation (or perhaps I have them reversed). I have never seen snow this beautiful in Second Life, and the stillness is eerily haunting ... one can easily imagine the sound of the crystalline snowflakes as they hit the ground. To see this area, arrive here. Clearly I'm shivering in this skimpy dress, but AM remarked, "I think it IS hot, where ever that dress may be." ;-) It's Babele Fashion's "La Gioconda" outfit, and I hope AM won't mind me saying that he said of it, "very nice texture work." A great compliment from a great artist. (And thanks to my friend Naxos for first introducing this sim to me.)
If you haven't visited one of AM's sim-wide installations before, you're in for a treat. Rarely in Second Life is one able to experience the sensation of vistas such as one finds here, with sky and clouds slowly drifting, sweeping across the plain that disappears into the horizon. Here we experience a true expanse -- set your draw distance way up. To see this area, click here.
But that's not all ... because down below is the second half of the installation (or perhaps I have them reversed). I have never seen snow this beautiful in Second Life, and the stillness is eerily haunting ... one can easily imagine the sound of the crystalline snowflakes as they hit the ground. To see this area, arrive here. Clearly I'm shivering in this skimpy dress, but AM remarked, "I think it IS hot, where ever that dress may be." ;-) It's Babele Fashion's "La Gioconda" outfit, and I hope AM won't mind me saying that he said of it, "very nice texture work." A great compliment from a great artist. (And thanks to my friend Naxos for first introducing this sim to me.)