One of the things I love most about Grim Bros. is that when I walk around the store I sometimes burst out laughing. And that's good medicine for anyone, right? Cutea Benelli's tragically warped imagination continues to come up with some of the most delightfully absurd items in Second Life, and today, dear readers, I present to you The Mad Tea Party, a gown obviously inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (Click the photos to zoom in.) Just the checkered dress, you ask? Oh, no, I answer: it's everything you see, including the table, chairs, teapots (of which there are many, including quite a display on my hat, and even attached to my upper arms!), the March Hare, the Dormouse, a house of cards and a clock (plus probably a few other things I've yet to notice). Mind you, this striking assemblage has a considerable avatar rendering cost, but its Linden dollar cost is only 520, a steal! Run to Grim Bros. at Clematis Island and shop to your heart's content.

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