Caprice and Easy A, two adjoining parcels on the sim Caverns of Aleval, invitingly bask and shine in winter colors. Both owned and designed by Asa Vordun, the pair possess dissimilar but complimentary designs—Caprice with its small town square feel, and Easy A with its more bucolic atmosphere.
Visitors to Caprice will discover, amidst the trees glazed with ice and walkways dusted with snow, a beautiful library with an impressive collection of curios on display (lower photo). Walking further along the path, you'll encounter an apple cart, and finally the arched entryway into Easy A (upper photo). And it's snowing in Easy A—a soft, quiet snow, the sort you might imagine you can just hear. In addition to the two homes (middle photo) and little Noel house here, you might fly up to discover a secret little spot atop the central column. Do consider leaving a tip if you enjoy these spaces.
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